The Batman Bodyweight Workout


Batman Bodyweight Workout

Who here hasn’t seen ‘The Dark Knight Rises’? I mean, it is such a good movie, trust me dude, you need to grab a protein bar and watch it right away. Here’s Batman Bodyweight Workout he used in the movie to get ripped up.

I am still experiencing a small hangover of the last movie in the batman trilogy and here I am writing down an article for the same. I seriously want to blog about it because who lets such a phenomenal thing slip away, I mean Batman.

So, if you loved badass batman, here is your chance to relive those glorious days of batman all over again.

Bruce Wayne of batman remains one of my favorite superheroes because he is a normal guy. He didn’t get bitten by any insect; neither is he an alien nor a mutant. He didn’t have to go through any rigorous and miraculous experiment for the sake of attaining the power and this made me realize that I too could become my own superhero if I wanted to be, so can anyone for that matter.

No doubt, he did spend insane amount of money on his equipment, but that doesn’t makes him any less human.

So, he kept pushing himself further and further again until he became what he was looking to be. So, here I am going to teach you how you can have the kind of body which Bruce Wayne so effortlessly had. What’s even more exciting is that you will not even have to pick a single weight; you can get all with a beginner body weight workout.

The Strength Of Wayne

If you have seen The Dark Knight Rises, which I am sure you have, you must recall the part where Wayne ends in prison. There was absolutely no hope of him to break free and all that was to be done was to simply sit back and watch how slowly his city came down and splattered into pieces.

So, what essentially needed to be done to bring about a change of situation? 

He exercised; even in the tiny confines of the prison cell; he pushed his body and pushed it a little more until he could eventually escaped of course.

So, despite being locked in the prison, he started working on his body and gave a push to the kind of power and stamina that he had inside. He further pushed the agility he had and soon enough he was ready to kick some serious ass because he had raw power. If he could do it inside a prison cell, you can definitely do the same at your home at the very least.


The Dark Knight Workout

Now is the time for you to start your batman training and that too without the application of weights. I have this workout for you which will help you out; however, the level of this workout is advanced and this is why I would request you to be sure that you are doing your bit to get your body trained and check out beginners workout plan. Try a little exercise on your own and make sure that your body is ready and when it is so, you can make the most out of these workout sessions.

The Intro Video

First thing which you need to know is that you must pick an exercise that suits your own fitness level. We are all programmed to work differently and it is important to pick such an exercise that seems to be a befitting choice.

The video has been made to cater to one and all. If suppose, you stumble upon a segment which you really do not know how to carry; you can always substitute it with an exercise that you are familiar with. Upon doing so, it is going to help you make the most out of this batman training.

Here’s a great video from Nerd Fitness that gives you, step by step instructions.


Workout Day 1

Upon the 1st day of your workout session, you can carry out the following exercises.

  • Squat jump
  • Push ups
  • Push up with headstand
  • Pull ups
  • Handstand

These are the exercises which you need to follow. However, once again when you are carrying out this batman workout training, you need to be sure that you do keep your own body levels and stamina in check. While the main aim is to be sure that you are pushing your body a little further and trying to improve your own score, but at the end of the day, do not end up straining your muscles more than what they can handle.

Workout Day 2

Following are the exercises that are suitable for the second day of your workout

  • A full jump spanning 180 degrees.
  • Front level followed by back lever
  • Planche

Another thing to be noted is that the moment you can excel at a level, your next aim should be to try going up another level more and finally mastering the complete workout diligently.

You should not be in a rush to complete the workout session too quickly because being extremely fast with the workout is not the way to derive highest benefits. On the contrary, it is one of the befitting recipes for inviting injuries and thereby having a setback. You need to be sure that you are focusing on good form and then perform the reps diligently and meticulously. When you give ample time to perfect the exercise moves, you will be able to master them in the right manner and this will improve the amount of strength your body shall have.

There are a few tips and important points which you need to be mindful of and they are as follows.

  • Never carry out more than 5 reps for any movement when you are doing 3 sets of the whole workout.
  • When you are working upon these exercises, you should perform holds for nearly 5 to 8 seconds every set.
  • You should make it a point to perform all the set of one single exercise completely. Only after you have done so, you should move to the next set of exercises. This is the right method of approach and will allow your body to extract the highest advantage. Do not be complacent about this method as it can lead to problems otherwise.
  • When you are performing the workouts, do not burn your body every day. You should ideally have one day of rest in between the batman workout sessions. The reason is that your muscles build during the rest period. If you continuously train your body every single day, you will not give your muscles the time to develop and this is going to be detrimental. The time during which your muscles relax is actually the time when your muscles are going to build and will help you gain strength and power as well.

While these workout sessions are definitely going to be of help to you, there are other things you have to keep in mind. You can also add sprints or even interval training and other exercises if you want to. These will help in building your stamina and can actually aid you in ways more than one.


Batman Bodyweight Workout

Now, let us get started with some simple dark knight workouts which will help you look badass like the batman.

The Beginner Session

On day 1, you can carry out the following workout regime.

  • Rolling squat jumps (tuck up style)
  • Push ups (side to side)
  • Push ups in the form of modified headstands
  • Jump pull up using tuck
  • Handstands against the wall

These are the set of exercises with which you will be beginning your workout. No doubt, you have the option of trying out something different as well.

On day 2, you can follow these exercises.

  • Jump turns spanning 180 degrees.
  • Tuck front lever hold
  • Tuck back lever hold
  • Low frog hold

When you are done with the exercises for these two days, you will now be all set to take things ahead. We will now deal with some advance batman training sessions which will help you pump even more strength on your body.

Advanced Workout Variation

On the first day of your advanced workout sessions, you need to carry out the following exercises.

  • Rolling single leg tuck up jumps
  • Exploding push ups
  • Headstand push ups
  • Ice cream makers
  • Headstands which are free-standing

These are the main exercises which you should do on the starting day when you are looking to push up your strength and stamina of the body. At the same time, you need to be mindful of your body stamina as well. One of the key points which you need to bear in mind is to be sure that you should keep trying, testing and defying your limits as much as you can.

You have to defy your limits as much as you can. We are not asking you to burn your body and strain it to an extent that it will need time to recover from the pain and trouble.

However, you should keep a record of your own performance and then move your focus to improving the output every day. Your aim should be to improve the results and this is one of the best ways of getting the right benefits out of dark knight workout training. If you are finding it hard to continue with it, you can always fall back on batman.

If Bruce Wayne did it inside the prison cell, you can definitely succeed too.

Exercising Regime

On your second day, you can use the following exercises.

  • Single leg jump spanning 180 degrees
  • Front level hold
  • Back lever hold
  • Floating frog hold


Stronger Without Weights

Gone are the days when all the bodyweight training involved lifting of weights. If you are tired of hitting the gym or even if your schedule doesn’t permits you to find ample time to head to a gym, you can still lose weight and get a chiseled body without weights as well.

I am a living example of how you could look decent without as much as lifting a single weight. I not only revved up my stamina and have decent muscles, but at the same time, I also made sure that I lost extra body fat with a simple diet plan . I do not feel the need to hit a gym every day because I like to mix it up and confuse my body at times.

To be very frank, all you need is the right kind of will and the determination to have a great body and the results are sure to follow.

I dug up all the details and the workouts I needed to implement. You don’t even have to do that. I have served all the points right in front of you; now don’t be a wet noodle and go out and accomplish your goals. All you need to do is be sure that you are following what I asked you to do.

All it takes is the right and systematic execution of the steps and soon you will look at your reflection in the mirror and say, “Holy shit, I look so completely awesome this whole working out thing is not that bad.”

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So, why let your awesomeness wait?

Come on; explore what your body can do?

Your body is wonderful and full of tremendous power. All you need to do is follow the points and don’t give up. Dude, you might feel sore and your body may hurt, but try it until you too can look like Bruce Wayne. That man is the real superhero for me. He did what none other superheroes could. He was a human and still a superhero, as I like to say to my friends “he’s the man”.

-Terry Asher

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Gym Junkies Founder & Editor in Chief at Gym Junkies LLC
I’m Terry and I’m here to help you achieve your fitness goals. I truly believe anyone can achieve the figure they want with the proper guidance. Through my extensive fitness blog, top fitness videos, leading workout supplements, and top selling eBooks, I have been able to help thousands of people online lose weight, tone up and get in shape. My passion is helping people all around the world change their lives for the better.
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